3 keys to super fast payroll processing

Payroll can be so confusing!  Ugggg!  Well that is the only sound I can think of when trying to figure out how much we keep, how much we give, and what is owed. But Payroll shouldn’t be something that discourages you. Listen, business is at hand and fulfill the company goals and vision need to […]

Outsource Payroll

There is so much to know about payroll. So many companies get bogged down in the mud of trying to figure out payroll and keeping up with all the laws that seem to constantly change. How do we do the I-9? How do we withhold garnishments? Who do we pay and what? These are the […]

There’s No “I” in Team

Service should be the highest priority of any business. Serving starts from the top down… or bottom up! When a leader takes a serving role to their team the team will become a service oriented tool to bring in new clients. I once heard a story of a business order that said “all my employees look […]

Time Cards or Time Machines?

Online Payroll Processing

Business owners value their time. There are many things that will pull us away from the things that are most important… reaching new clients and customers with our product or service. It is vitally important that business owners protect their time from things that can pull them away from their main objective. One key “time […]

Lead or Administrate?

Business owners will always have work to do. In fact the workload will continue to come to your desk. If you don’t push it into the right direction it will build up, consume your mind, and keep you from working on things to help you business grow. As a small business owner it may be […]

Why Do I Need a Payroll Service for My Small Business?

One of the most significant behind-the-scenes tasks for any small business is the completion of payroll – a task that consists of managing billing, issuing checks and direct deposits, reporting taxes to the government, and more. This task is also one of the most commonly outsourced for businesses due to the ways that it can […]